• Horizon Europe

SPECTRA - Stimulating Performance of Ecosystems in Creative Territories and Regional Actors

  • Innovation and digital transformation
  • |
  • Creative industries and cultural heritage

ID: 101097000

Duration: 1 December, 2022 – 30 November, 2024

The SPECTRA proposal embodies the collaborative vision of 8 partners (including 3 associate partners) representing 4 regional ecosystems – an emerging innovator region in Bulgaria (North-Central-BG), a moderate innovator region in Ireland (Northern and Western), together with lead innovator regions in Denmark (Hovedstaden) and Germany (Berlin).

SPECTRA will put in place key ingredients required to equip the emerging innovator and moderate innovator regions with a more responsive, resilient ecosystem, capable of growing and developing coordinated responses to many challenges creative industries are facing to achieve the National and European goals. This will be based on interaction with 2 successful initiatives - Media Deals Investment Network and Creative Business Network.

SPECTRA will harness and multiply the power of individual ecosystem initiatives to enhance the participation of financiers/investors and women innovators - resulting in enhanced, more inter-connected, diverse, gender-responsive, competitive, and sustainable ecosystems.

Additionally, SPECTRA will include activities that will encourage the development of joint strategies and amplify collaboration. Stakeholders will benefit extensively from the advanced business support models developed to fast-track start-ups, produce scaleups, avail of best practices, new systems, structures and tools, as well as data-driven & carbon-reducing challenge-based innovation methods, case studies, role models, cross-sectoral and intra-territorial learning - engaging over 1000 stakeholders over 30 workshops, experiments/challenges, huddles, and roundtables, supporting over 100 start-ups and SMEs and creating an excess of 300 new linkages.

SPECTRA measures will be integrated within the context of policy, economic, and societal frameworks and implemented on a transversal and transdisciplinary basis, encouraging the maximum output in terms of potential for additional new linkages, interconnections, joint initiatives, and replication.


Western Development Commission WDC

Western Development Commission (WDC)

Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Media Deals UG haftungsbeschrankt

Media Deals UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Creative Business Network - CBN

Creative Business Network - CBN

Galway Cultural Development and Activities Company

Galway Cultural Development and Activities Company



Atlantic Technological University (ATU)

Atlantic Technological University (ATU)

Stela Dionisieva


Stela Dionisieva
Expert programmes and projects

For consultations:

T: +359 888 978 241
E: stela@rcci.bg


Tsar Ferdinand Blvd. 3A,
Ruse 7000