Founders Games competition opens doors for innovative and socially oriented businesses apply by June 18, 2023

Founders Games competition opens doors to innovative and socially-minded businesses - apply by June 18, 2023

BIC Inobridge appeals to all innovative, socially oriented businesses.

Do you have a fast growing innovative company? Does your activity have a positive impact on the environment or society as a whole? Do you need additional capital to grow and internationalize your business? If the answers to these questions are yes, Innobridge BIC would like to present the competition to your attention Founders Games. The Founders Games is a platform to promote and support the innovation ecosystem worldwide. Every year, the platform recruits mature, socially and ecologically oriented entrepreneurial ideas, which compete for a prize fund of up to 6 million dollars.

This year the application deadline is June 18. The application and the entire competition are conducted in English, and to fill out the application form you need to briefly describe your business idea and business model, the problem you are solving and the capacity of your team. All ideas pass the evaluation of a jury, and the finalists qualify for a live pitch presentation of their business idea.

More information about the competition, the evaluation criteria and the directions in which business ideas are collected, you can find here.

The competition is organized by WEBIT FOUNDATION and EACADEMY eEducation Institute.

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