Unveiling the Third Edition of the ACCELERO Project Newsletter

Unveiling the Third Edition of the ACCELERO Project Newsletter

We are thrilled to share with the BIC Innobridge community and our broader audience the release of the third edition of the ACCELERO Project Newsletter for February 2024. This edition marks a significant milestone in our continuous journey towards fostering a balanced and innovative ecosystem across Europe.

Inside This Edition:

This latest issue offers a comprehensive look into the strides we've made in 2023 and sets the stage for our ambitious plans in 2024. Highlights include:

  • A retrospective review of the major achievements and initiatives undertaken by the ACCELERO project in 2023.
  • An insightful exploration into the innovation trends set to shape 2024, covering sustainability, AI advancements, healthcare innovations, and beyond.
  • A detailed overview of the pilot-testing phase that aims to enhance the quality of business acceleration services, spotlighting the collaborative efforts of Business Support Organisations (BSOs) across Europe.
  • An introduction to the pathway towards EU|BIC certification for BSOs, a testament to our commitment to maintaining high standards of service and innovation.

Why This Matters:

The ACCELERO Project Newsletter is more than just a publication; it's a reflection of our shared commitment to driving sustainable and inclusive growth throughout Europe. It showcases the collective efforts and achievements of our consortium and provides valuable insights into the future of innovation.

As we delve into this edition, we celebrate the community's successes and look forward to the exciting developments the future holds. The ACCELERO Project remains dedicated to creating a sustainable and inclusive future, driving innovation, and building a better world for all.

Get Your Copy:

We invite all our partners, stakeholders, and the innovation community to explore this edition. Discover the remarkable journey of the ACCELERO project and the impactful initiatives shaping Europe's innovation landscape.

Stay connected with BIC Innobridge for more updates and insights as we continue to navigate the future of innovation together.

About the project

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ACCELERO - Accelerating Local Innovation Ecosystems in Europe

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