Blended learning programs under the CreatINNES project

Blended learning programs under the CreatINNES project

Business Innovation Center "Innobridge" is developing two innovative training programs under the CreatINNES project.

The program "Entrepreneurship for freelancers and start-ups in the creative and cultural industries" is aimed at creative professionals, entrepreneurs and start-up company owners. It covers 8 modules that include topics such as generating ideas, developing a project and business plan, obtaining venture capital funding, predicting strategic growth over time, protecting intellectual and commercial property, and effectively using social media for advertising.

The program "Creative Thinking for Innovation" also contains 8 modules aimed at anyone who is not employed in the creative and cultural spheres of work, but who wants to learn more about design thinking, e-commerce, creating and promoting their own brand, critical thinking and concept development.

In the study material of both programs, special attention is paid to good practices, modern trends and practical and current case studies. Lessons are short and to the point, organized in a way that allows learning anytime, anywhere. Hand-picked examples stimulate learning and offer practical solutions to common problems, and quizzes after each module allow learners to monitor their progress.

Artisans, artists, creators, as well as other interested persons can participate in the training, and everyone can choose for himself which of the two programs (or both) to participate in.

The programs are expected to start early next year.

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