Exploring the Heart of Czech Innovation: BIC Innobridge's Journey through JIC, DIH DIGIMAT and Technology Park Brno at EBN 2023 Congress
We are very pleased to share that the Executive Director of Business Innovation Center INNOBRIDGE (BIC Innobridge), Mr. Milen Dobrev, is participating in an exciting journey into the heart of the Czech innovation ecosystem on the first day of the EBN 2023 Congress, taking place on June 14.
The first day of the congress #EBN2023 is dedicated to understanding how the European innovation community is responding to the current challenges and consequences of these turbulent times. The day is filled with best practices, proven methodologies, launch of collaborations and organized visits, all ending with a networking meeting.
Mr. Dobrev joins the organized visit of the JIC innovation agency, the EDIH-DIGIMAT test base and the Brno Technology Park. This is a great opportunity to go deep into a hub that is a major pillar of innovation in the region, including the JIC Innovation Agency, CEITEC and others. He is particularly excited to learn about JIC's role in fostering innovation and helping entrepreneurs develop businesses that succeed globally and inspire the world. The visit includes a tour of state-of-the-art facilities and research in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics and advanced manufacturing, which are of great interest to Innobridge BIC.
One of the highlights of the visit will be the examination of the activities of DIH DIGIMAT, the first functioning Digital Innovation Hub in the Czech Republic. Established in 2016, DIH DIGIMAT is a pioneering regional initiative for the practical integration of the Industry 4.0 agency in manufacturing companies. This open platform meets the diverse needs of Czech manufacturing companies, focusing on maintaining and increasing their competitiveness through advanced automation and digitization of production, which has a direct impact on productivity and cost reduction.
The DIH DIGIMAT consortium involves several prominent institutions, such as Brno University of Technology (BUT), INTEMAC and JIC. BUT is the second largest technical / engineering university in the Czech Republic, offering scientific and professional knowledge of the highest class. INTEMAC focuses on applied research, experimental development and education in the fields of engineering and manufacturing technology. JIC has been supporting the creation and development of small and medium-sized enterprises in South Moravia for fifteen years, contributing to the creation of highly qualified jobs and strengthening competitiveness in the region.
Mr. Dobrev's participation in this unique research offers BIC Innobridge new insights that can potentially foster innovative solutions to further strengthen the entrepreneurs we support. Stay up to date with new updates on our social channels and website. We look forward to sharing the results and learnings from this important visit and the entire EBN 2023 Congress.